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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez Mucek

  1. RanksPoints - CS2

    Plugin który pozawala na dodanie Ranks / Rankingu na serwerze.




    📋 Opis 📋

    System RanksPoints opiera się na prostej zasadzie: gracze wykonują w grze różne akcje, w wyniku których albo zdobywają, albo tracą punkty doświadczenia. Zdobycie lub utrata określonej ilości tych punktów prowadzi do uzyskania odpowiedniej rangi. Liczbę dostępnych rang można dowolnie konfigurować i edytować.



    💡 WAŻNE 💡

    Przed instalacją pluginu, na serwerze musi być wgrana najnowsza wersja MetaMod oraz CounterStrikeSharp, aby móc dodać plugin do serwera i mógłby on funkcjonować poprawnie.



    1. Wypakuj pobraną zawartość,
    2. Wypakowaną zawartość, czyli folder "addons" przenieś do folderu "csgo",
    3. Zrestartuj serwer i przejdź do konfiguracji.




    Pliki konfiguracyjne znajdują się w katalogu "/csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/RanksPoints".


    📝 plików konfiguracyjnych:

    • dbconfig.json - Ustawienia bazy danych MySQL,
    • Config.yml - Ustawienia działania pluginu,
    • Weapons.yml - Ustawienia doświadczenia broni,
    • settings_ranks.yml - Ustawienie nazwy rangi i tagu, ilości EXP przypisanej randze.





    🌐Konfiguracja MySQL:

    1. Zaloguj się na swój serwer FTP,
    2. Przejdź do katalogu "addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/RanksPoints",
    3. Znajdź plik "dbconfig.json" i go edytuj.


    Wypełnianie danych bazy MySQL

      "DbHost": "Tutaj wpisz nazwe hosta",
      "DbUser": "Tutaj wpisz nazwe użytkownika",
      "DbPassword": "Tutaj wpisz hasło do bazy danych",
      "DbName": "Tutaj wpisz nazwe Bazy Danych",
      "DbPort": "3306",
      "Name": "lvl_base"



    🪛 Ogólne ustawienia 🪛

    Wszelkie ustawienia działania pluginu.


    🪛Główna konfiguracja:

    1. Przejdź do katalogu "addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/RanksPoints",
    2. Znajdź plik "Weapons.yml" i go edytuj.


    # Configuration file for RankPoints
    # Number of awarded points
    # Points for Kill - the number of points added to a player for killing an opponent.
    PointsForKill: 5
    # Points for Death - the number of points subtracted from a player for dying.
    PointsForDeath: -5
    # Points for Assist - the number of points added to a player for assisting in a kill.
    PointsForAssist: 1
    # Points for Suicide - the number of points subtracted from a player for committing suicide.
    PointsForSuicide: -6
    # Points for Headshot - additional points for a headshot kill.
    PointsForHeadshot: 1
    # Points per Round Win - the number of points added to a player for their team winning a round.
    PointsPerRoundWin: 2
    # Points per Round Loss - the number of points subtracted from a player for their team losing a round.
    PointsPerRoundLoss: -2
    # Points for MVP - the number of points added to a player for earning the MVP title of a round.
    PointsPerMVP: 3
    # Points for NoScope AWP Kill - additional points for killing without using the AWP scope.
    PointsForNoScopeAWP: 1
    # Points for Bomb Defusal
    PointsForBombDefusal: 2
    # Points for Bomb Exploded
    PointsForBombExploded: 2
    # Points for Bomb Planting - the number of points added to a player for successfully planting the bomb.
    PointsForBombPlanting: 2
    # Points for Bomb Dropping - the number of points subtracted from a player for dropping the bomb.
    PointsForBombDropping: -2
    # Points for Bomb Pickup - the number of points added to a player for picking up the bomb.
    PointsForBombPickup: 1
    # Points for Wallbang - the number of points added to a player for getting a kill through a wall.
    PointsForWallbang: 3
    # Points for Hostage Follows
    PointsForHostageFollows: 2
    # Points for Hostage Stops Following
    PointsForHostageStopsFollowing: -2
    # Points for Hostage Rescued
    PointsForHostageRescued: 4
    # Points for Kill Through Smoke - the number of points added to a player for killing an enemy through a smoke screen.
    PointsForKillThroughSmoke: 3
    # Points for Blind Kill - the number of points added to a player for getting a kill while blinded.
    PointsForBlindKill: 5
    # RanksPoints Parameters
    # Displaying clan tags for ranks of players. true - enabled, false - disabled.
    EnableClanTags: True
    # Minimum number of players for experience gain - players only earn experience if this number of players is on the server.
    GetActivePlayerCountMsg: "[ {Yellow}RanksPoints {White}] A minimum of {Red}{MIN_PLAYERS} {White}players is required for experience gain."
    MinPlayersForExperience: 4
    # Enabling or disabling bonus experience for special nicknames.
    EnableSpecialNicknameBonus: true
    # Experience multiplier for special nicknames.
    BonusMultiplierForSpecialNickname: 1.5
    # String to search for in the nickname to apply the multiplier.
    SpecialNicknameContains: ""
    # Enabling or disabling awarding points for bot kills. true - enabled, false - disabled.
    GivePointsForBotKills: False
    # All RanksPoints Messages
    # Messages for experience gain
    PointsChangeMessage: "[ {Yellow}RanksPoints{White} ] Your experience: {COLOR} {POINTS} [{SIGN}{CHANGE_POINTS} for {REASON}]"
    # Events
    SuicideMessage: "suicide"
    SuicideMessageColor: "{Red}"
    DeathMessage: "death"
    DeathMessageColor: "{Red}"
    KillMessage: "kill"
    KillMessageColor: "{Green}"
    NoScopeAWPMessage: "AWP kill without scope"
    NoScopeAWPMessageColor: "{Blue}"
    HeadshotMessage: "headshot"
    HeadshotMessageColor: "{Yellow}"
    AssistMessage: "assist"
    AssistMessageColor: "{Blue}"
    RoundWinMessage: "round win"
    RoundWinMessageColor: "{Green}"
    RoundLossMessage: "round loss"
    RoundLossMessageColor: "{Red}"
    MVPMessage: "MVP"
    MVPMessageColor: "{Gold}"
    BombDefusalMessage: "bomb defusal"
    BombDefusalMessageColor: "{Green}"
    BombExplodedMessage: "bomb exploded"
    BombExplodedMessageColor: "{Green}"
    BombPlantingMessage: "bomb planting"
    BombPlantingMessageColor: "{Green}"
    BombDroppingMessage: "bomb dropping"
    BombDroppingMessageColor: "{Red}"
    BombPickupMessage: "bomb pickup"
    BombPickupMessageColor: "{Green}"
    WallbangMessage: "wallbang"
    WallbangMessageColor: "{Purple}"
    HostageFollowsMessage: "hostage follows"
    HostageFollowsMessageColor: "{Green}"
    HostageStopsFollowingMessage: "hostage stops following"
    HostageStopsFollowingMessageColor: "{Red}"
    HostageRescuedMessage: "hostage rescued"
    HostageRescuedMessageColor: "{Blue}"
    KillThroughSmokeMessage: "убийство через дым"
    KillThroughSmokeMessageColor: "{Green}"
    BlindKillMessage: "убийство в состоянии ослепления"
    BlindKillMessageColor: "{Yellow}"
    # Rank Up Message.
    RankUpMessage: Your rank has been upgraded to {RANK_NAME}!
    # Rank Down Message.
    RankDownMessage: Your rank has been downgraded to {RANK_NAME}.
    # !rank
    RankCommandMessage : "[ {Yellow}RanksPoints {White}] Rank: {Green}{RANK_NAME} {White}| Position: {Blue}{PLACE}/{TOTAL_PLAYERS} {White}| Experience: {Gold}{POINTS} {White}| Kills: {Green}{KILLS} {White}| Deaths: {Red}{DEATHS} {White}| KDR: {Yellow}{KDR} {White}| Server Time: {Gold}{PLAY_TIME}"
    TimeFormat: "{0}d {1}h {2}min"
    # Enabling or disabling the !rank command
    IsRankCommandEnabled: true
    # !top
    TopCommandIntroMessage : "[ {Blue}Top Players{White} ]"
    TopCommandPlayerMessage: "{INDEX}. {Grey}{NAME} - {White}{RANK} {Grey}- {Blue}{POINTS} points"
    TopCommandNoDataMessage: "[ {Red}Error{White} ] No data available for top players."
    TopCommandErrorMessage: "[ {Red}Error{White} ] An error occurred while executing the command."
    # Enabling or disabling the !top command
    IsTopCommandEnabled: true
    # !topkills
    TopKillsCommandIntroMessage: "[ {Green}Top Killers{White} ]"
    TopKillsCommandPlayerMessage: "{INDEX}. {Grey}{NAME} - {Green}{KILLS} kills{White}"
    TopKillsCommandNoDataMessage: "[ {Red}Error{White} ] No data available for top killers."
    TopKillsCommandErrorMessage: "[ {Red}Error{White} ] An error occurred while executing the command."
    # Enabling or disabling the !topkills command
    IsTopkillsCommandEnabled: true
    # !topdeaths
    TopDeathsCommandIntroMessage: "[ {Red}Top Deaths{White} ]"
    TopDeathsCommandPlayerMessage: "{INDEX}. {Grey}{NAME}{White} - {Red}{DEATHS} deaths{White}"
    TopDeathsCommandNoDataMessage: "[ {Red}Error{White} ] No data available for top deaths."
    TopDeathsCommandErrorMessage: "[ {Red}Error{White} ] An error occurred while executing the command."
    # Enabling or disabling the !topdeaths command
    IsTopdeathsCommandEnabled: true
    # !topkdr
    TopKDRCommandIntroMessage: "[ {Yellow}Top KDR{White} ]"
    TopKDRCommandPlayerMessage: "{INDEX}. {Grey}{NAME}{White} - {Yellow}KDR: {KDR}"
    TopKDRCommandNoDataMessage: "[ {Red}Error{White} ] No data available for top KDR."
    TopKDRCommandErrorMessage: "[ {Red}Error{White} ] An error occurred while executing the command."
    # Enabling or disabling the !topkdr command
    IsTopkdrCommandEnabled: true
    # !toptime
    TopTimeCommandIntroMessage: "[ {Gold}Top Playtime{White} ]"
    TopTimeCommandPlayerMessage: "{INDEX}. {Grey}{NAME} - {Gold}{TIME}{White}"
    TopTimeCommandNoDataMessage : "[ {Red}Error{White} ] No data available for top playtime."
    TopTimeCommandErrorMessage: "[ {Red}Error{White} ] An error occurred while executing the command."
    TopTimeFormat: "{0}d {1}h {2}min"
    # Enabling or disabling the !toptime command
    IsToptimeCommandEnabled: true
    # !resetstats
    ResetStatsCooldownMessage: "[ {Red}RanksPoints {White}] You can only reset your stats once every 3 hours."
    ResetStatsSuccessMessage: "[ {Yellow}RanksPoints {White}] Your stats have been reset."
    ResetStatsCooldownHours: "3"
    # Enabling or disabling the !resetstats command
    IsResetstatsCommandEnabled: true
    # !ranks
    RanksCommandIntroMessage: "[ {Gold}Rank List{White} ]"
    RanksCommandRankMessage: "{NAME} - {Green}{EXPERIENCE} experience{White}"
    RanksCommandNoDataMessage: "[ {Red}Error{White} ] No data available for ranks."
    RanksCommandErrorMessage: "[ {Red}Error{White} ] An error occurred while executing the command."
    # Enabling or disabling the !ranks command
    IsRanksCommandEnabled: true
    # !lvl
    LvlCommandIntroMessage: "[ {Gold}Available Commands{White} ]"
    RankCommandDescription: "- {Green}!rank {White}- Shows your current rank and stats"
    TopCommandDescription: "- {Green}!top {White}- Shows the top 10 players by points"
    TopKillsCommandDescription: "- {Green}!topkills {White}- Shows the top 10 players by kills"
    TopDeathsCommandDescription: "- {Green}!topdeaths {White}- Shows the top 10 players by deaths"
    TopKDRCommandDescription: "- {Green}!topkdr {White}- Shows the top 10 players by KDR"
    TopTimeCommandDescription: "- {Green}!toptime {White}- Shows the top 10 players by playtime"
    ResetStatsCommandDescription: "- {Green}!resetstats {White}- Reset your stats (can be used once every 3 hours)"
    RanksCommandDescription: "- {Green}!ranks {White}- Shows a list of all ranks and the required experience to achieve them"
    TagRankCommandDescription: "- {Green}!tagrank {White}- Enables or disables displaying your clan tag"
    # Enabling or disabling the !lvl command
    IsLvlCommandEnabled: true
    # !tagrank
    TagRankEnabledMessage: "[ {Yellow}RanksPoints {White}] Your clan tag will be displayed again starting from the next round."
    TagRankDisabledMessage: "[ {Yellow}RanksPoints {White}] Your clan tag will no longer be displayed starting from the next round."
    # Enabling or disabling the !tagrank command
    IsTagRankCommandEnabled: true




    Dodatkowe doświadczenie w zabijaniu bronią (możesz dodać własną broń bez weapon_).


    🔫Ustawienia doświadczenia broni:

    1. Przejdź do katalogu "addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/RanksPoints",
    2. Znajdź plik "Weapons.yml" i go edytuj.


    - WeaponName: knife
      Points: 10
      MessageColor: '{LightYellow}'
      KillMessage: knife kill
    - WeaponName: awp
      Points: 5
      MessageColor: '{Blue}'
      KillMessage: precise AWP shot



    ⌨️ Komendy ⌨️

    Komendy serwera czat i konsoli.



    !rank         // shows statistics: current rank, required number of points to the next rank, your experience, number of kills, deaths, and kill-to-death ratio (KDR).
    !top          // displays a list of the top ten players by experience points.
    !topkills     // displays a list of the top ten players by kills.
    !topdeaths    // displays a list of the top ten players by deaths.
    !topkdr       // displays a list of the top ten players by KDR.
    !toptime      // shows the top ten players by time on the server.
    !resetstats   // resets your statistics (can be used once every 3 hours).
    !ranks        // shows a list of all ranks and the experience required to achieve them.
    !lvl          // shows a list of all available commands and their functions.
    !tagrank      // enables or disables the clan tag



    rp_reloadconfig   // reloads the configuration file Config.yml.
    rp_reloadranks    // reloads the configuration file settings_ranks.yaml.
    rp_reloadweapons  // reloads the configuration file Weapons.yaml.
    rp_resetranks     // Clears a player's statistics. Usage: rp_resetranks (data-type: exp clears values, rank; stats clears kills, deaths, shoots, hits, headshots, assists, round_win, round_lose; time clears playtime).




    INFO.png.f99d4fe7ddcfcdca9c2714c4ae310142.png Źródło:

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